10' 6" Wee Robbie Cedar Strip Canoe Kit
Build your own canoe with our cedar strip canoe kit. This all-inclusive kit provides you with the necessary materials to construct a stunning cedar strip canoe, blending functionality with a touch of craftsmanship.
The Following comments courtesy of Rob Macks, Designer for the Wee Robbie Cedar Strip Canoe Kit
Wee Robbie's light weight and small size make it a solo boat that's a dream to paddle. For the fisherman or explorers it's an easy boat to get to those seemingly inaccessible ponds. Or it's just that little "ready to go" boat for a local moonlight paddle.
Inspired by Henry Rushton's Wee Lassie, circa 1893, Wee Robbie is close in size and hull design. Rushton's idea for a small solo craft of light weight is experiencing quite a renaissance of enthusiasm with paddlers and builders across the country. This boat style is called a double paddle canoe, because it is paddled with a kayak paddle, in a seated position. At 17 lbs., this is the ideal cedar strip canoe kit for a small person or someone who just doesn't want to hurt themselves lifting a heavy boat.
You don't have to be small to paddle a Wee Robbie. It can handle up to 250 lbs. with ease.
Wee Robbie can also be set up to accommodate two children quite comfortably. The bow and stern of Wee Robbie is built with air tanks, for extra flotation and small decks with a built-in hand hold for carrying. A broad flattened sculpted thwart is the standard back rest in the Wee Robbie
Length: 10'6"
Depth in center: l0"
Weight:18 - 20 lbs