Quick Copper Epoxy Putty Stick
QUIKCOPPER is a hand kneadable, copper reinforced, epoxy putty that mixes in just one minute to provide fast repairs to pipes, tanks, and vessels made of copper, brass, bronze, and other non-ferrous metals. It comes in a handy four-ounce “tootsie-roll” form with the curing agent encapsulated in the contrasting color base material. The putty-like consistency eliminates drips and runs, providing “no mess” applications with no tools required for use. This “Plumber in a Tube” can save homeowners and businesses hundreds of dollars annually on repairs.
Aluminum reinforced.
Quick set up.
Easy to use.
Adheres to many substrates.
Ideal for storm doors, boats, and other aluminum substrates.
Fill in and surround leaks in the most intricate of openings and breaks in pipes, elbows, joints, sleeves, sink traps, drains, water heaters, and water tanks.
Ideal for sealing freeze brakes, pin-hole leaks and holes high pressure water lines.
Can be sanded, drilled and sawed when cured.
Will not yellow under UV exposure.
Will not crack over time.
Easily stored in a tool box.